Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I Had The Time Of My Life Fighting Dragons With You

This table has been bugging me.

I was dragging my feet on waxing her, and I knew there was a reason why.  It's because I'm not content with her.  Don't get me wrong, she's a great little table.  But I'm not pleased with her end result; it doesn't wow me.  When I initially started working on her, I planned to leave her top unpainted.  For whatever reason, I didn't go with my gut.  And now I've broken my golden rule of re-doing a completed project.  But I can totally get away on a technicality because one could argue since she wasn't waxed she wasn't complete.  

So tonight I stripped her top.

Stripper applied and working it's stripper magic.

Scraping it off - I hate this part because it's super messy.  Also, I'm thinking about considering a career as a hand model.

Finally stripped, and wiped down with mineral spirits.  I like the wood as it is now, but I don't like it with the paint color I chose.  So do I re-stain the wood top, or do I re-paint the rest of the table to have it complement the wood finish as is?  

This is why I shouldn't mess with completed projects.  Once I do it's like falling down the rabbit hole.  I have a couple days to think about it because this lady needs to dry out before I can do anything else with her. 

On another note today was a rough day at work.  It was my assistant's last day with us before leaving to go to grad school.  So we sobbed like we'd never see her again and watching her pack up her little desk was bittersweet.  You see, this girl was more than just my assistant.  She was a ray of sunshine and snark all rolled into one.  She was my furniture cheerleader, and she loved my boys.  When she started we both took a chance on each other, and it worked blissfully well for over two years.  Through that time we saw each other at our worst and kept coming back.

She gave me a very sweet gift today, which I won't share here because it's chock full of expletives but it made me cry.  And in her card to me she said kind things about how I was an inspiration to her and that this wasn't goodbye, it was see you soon.  But then she ended with "See you soon... very soon."  And that sounded kinda like a creepy threat so I stopped crying. 

So to my Swappy Joe: I know for the past week people have been telling you all the things that you shouldn't do while you're at grad school so I'm going to give you a list of things that you should do:

  • Rock Philly like any good Redskins fan would (we won't talk about baseball...)
  • Find the library and GO TO STUDENT ORIENTATION 
  • Continue to smile and laugh, no matter who tells you to be quiet
  • Wear your retainer (oh wait... it's permanent)
  • Get a better case for your phone
  • Remember if you ever go to the Starbucks at the Somerset rest-stop on the PA Turnpike, they don't fill your drink all the way to the top
  •  Listen to Taylor Swift - she will teach you life lessons
  • Find the Roti closes to your new apartment, and then walk to the one that's the farthest away
  • And most importantly always and forever: be great, do you, and keep it moving     
It's not goodbye, it's see you soon.  

And I'm sorry I messed with your computer screen that one time.

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