Thursday, March 13, 2014

Lucky Charms

Since I won't have blogging capabilities on St. Patrick's Day this update is coming a few days early.  While out and about this past weekend Terry and I stumbled upon a local florist that isn't local to us but is local to where we were for the day, and my God this floral shop was excited.  Excited because Shamrock Plants!

$7.50, cash and carry.  And in case you missed it the first time:

There were also signs hanging in the shop windows proclaiming SHAMROCK PLANTS ARE HERE, but I couldn't take pictures of those signs because they were right next to the NO CELL PHONES sign.  Although after chatting with Ricky who worked in the floral shop he explained those signs were really meant for the roving band of young people that are always texting and talking too loudly, so I think I would have been ok.  Anyway, Ricky and his flower shop were excited to have Shamrock Plants and I was too, so I asked Terry to make an illegal u-turn so I could purchase one.

Ricky offered to wrap this guy in foil for me, complete with a bow but I declined insisting I wasn't worthy of foil.  While discussing the No Cell Phones sign, Ricky shared with us his own horror story of going to church on Palm Sunday last year forgetting his cell phone was in his pocket, and he was so distracted through the service worried that it would ring that he forgot to pray.  But God and luck were on his side because his phone did not ring while he was in church; he'll be sure to leave his phone in the truck this Palm Sunday.  And with that he handed me our plant, "May it bring you both good luck!"

Monday is when we all get to be Irish for the day.  People take this to mean they need to drink green beer in excess, when in reality being Irish for the day means people butcher your last name and ask you why you don't tan.  

Whether you're Irish for a day or for a lifetime, the key to being lucky is perseverance and resiliency.  If you stick around long enough you're bound to get lucky at something.  My people almost starved; fought the Vikings, the British and each other; drank too much, and still considered themselves lucky at the end of the day.  

I'll spare you all the "May the wind always be at your back..." stereo-typical St. Patricks Day malarchy (see what I did there?).  If you really want to be Irish for the day, make your own luck.  And if you're not feeling particularly lucky, sit down and count your blessings.  

If you still don't feel lucky you didn't count long enough. 

 I am tomorrow, or some future day, what I establish today. I am today what I established yesterday or some previous day.    James Joyce


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